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Safety as a Service by b.ignited


Koen Van Belle



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Test automation and testing in general provides a degree of safety on multiple levels. The first level, and the most obvious one, is regarding releases in production. If all test cases are green, it should be safe to release the changes and new features into production without any hesitation.

Another and less commonly known safety net, as provided by test automation, is the safety for developers to optimize and improve the application, because it provides (almost) immediate feedback about their changes. This fast feedback is invaluable towards an agile working methodology and the shift left mentality.

In this blog, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of getting this safety net as a service. But first, we should explore the 'As a service' concept.

As a Service

With a traditional outsourcing model, a company would hire a specialist who is affiliated with another company to perform a singular task for them. In the case of test automation, this means that a company would contact b.ignited to hire one of their test specialists to write a test automation framework.

The agreed upside here is that a company no longer needs to focus on training the specialist. The expertise is implied in the contract with the consultancy company. Additionally, the consultant will receive continuous training and knowledge updates from their consultancy. In short, traditional outsourcing allows a company to hire expertise without all the associated costs of that expertise, benefiting from it for a specific task or service.

In the 'As a service' model, a company no longer hires an individual expert but outsources the whole task or service. In this case, the consultancy agency does not deliver a single expert with his/her own expertise, as the agreement between both companies is that the task will be completed within a specific amount of time for a specific cost. The consultancy agency promises to take care of everything within the scope of the agreement.

Test Automation as a Service

At its core, test automation can be compared to any type of ticketed work. Every test case can be seen as a single ticket, and this ticket, combined with the documented analysis, provides sufficient information to automate the test scenarios.

In that sense, test automation engineers do not differ much from developers. They work on predefined tasks (or tickets), ensuring that every aspect of the application is thoroughly tested and optimized.

The Benefits of Managed Services

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Managed services provide the flexibility to scale up or down based on the project requirements. Whether you need more test cases automated or need to tackle a sudden spike in workload, the service can adapt to your needs.

  • Expertise on Demand: Instead of relying on the knowledge of a single specialist, you gain access to a team of experts. This team brings diverse skills and experiences, ensuring that all aspects of test automation are covered comprehensively.

  • Cost Efficiency: By outsourcing the entire test automation process, companies can save on the costs associated with hiring, training, and maintaining an in-house team. The managed service model offers predictable and often lower costs compared to traditional hiring.

  • Focus on Core Activities: With the test automation handled by a dedicated team, your in-house functional testers can focus on core development activities. This improves productivity and speeds up the overall development process. While the automation team focusses on automation, reducing the need for manual regression testing.

  • Continuous Improvement: Managed services ensure that the latest tools, technologies, and best practices are always in use. This continuous improvement leads to better testing efficiency and effectiveness.

The Drawbacks of Managed Services

Dependency on Third-Party Providers: Relying on an external provider means that you are dependent on their efficiency and reliability. Any disruption on their end, such as resource constraints or business continuity issues, can impact your project timelines. Itʼs crucial to choose a reputable provider with a strong track record to mitigate this risk.

Communication Challenges: Working with an external team can sometimes lead to communication gaps. Time zone differences, cultural differences, and varying communication styles can worsen these issues. Establishing clear communication protocols, regular meetings, and using collaborative tools can help bridge these gaps.

Data Security Concerns: Sharing sensitive information with a third-party provider can raise security concerns. The risk of data breaches or misuse is higher when external entities have access to your data. It's essential to have robust data protection measures, non-disclosure agreements, and compliance with relevant regulations in place to safeguard your information.

Loss of In-House Expertise: Over-reliance on managed services can lead to a loss of in-house expertise and a reduced ability to handle emergencies or make informed decisions independently. This can create a knowledge gap that may be difficult to bridge if the service relationship ends. To counter this, companies should consider a hybrid approach, retaining some level of in-house capability and ensuring knowledge transfer from the service provider.

Alignment with Business Goals: Ensuring that the managed service provider ʼs goals and methodologies align with your companyʼs objectives can be challenging. Misalignment can lead to suboptimal results and strategic disconnects. Regular reviews, clear contracts, and setting mutual goals can help maintain alignment.

Why Safety as a Service?

At b.ignited, we understand that safety is paramount in software development and deployment. Our managed service package, safety as a Service, is designed to provide comprehensive test automation solutions that ensure your applications are robust, secure, and reliable.

With Safety as a Service, you gain:

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that every release is thoroughly tested and verified by experts.

  • Quick Feedback Loops: Immediate insights into the impact of changes, enabling rapid iteration and improvement.

  • High-Quality Standards: Consistent application of best practices and cutting-edge tools to maintain the highest quality standards.

  • Proactive Issue Resolution: Early detection and resolution of potential issues before they impact production.

By leveraging our managed services, you can focus on innovation and growth, while we ensure that your applications remain safe and sound. Join us in embracing the future of test automation with Safety as a Service by b.ignited.