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From Full Stack Developer to Test Automation Engineer: My Ambitions and Growth Opportunities at b.ignited


Lucas Stocker



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Early career focus: my initial path as a Full-stack Developer 

Before I started at b.ignited, my professional journey was mostly directed toward becoming a full-stack developer. This path seemed perfectly in sync with my skills and interests, focusing on the comprehensive design and development of software solutions. I wanted to get really good at both front-end and back-end technologies, aiming to create seamless and efficient digital experiences. 

A new perspective: Exploring the beauty of Test Automation 

However, my involvement with b.ignited marked an important shift in my career journey. The organization not only introduced me to the world of test automation but also showed its critical importance in software development. As I delved deeper into this field, I was instantly fascinated by the dynamic challenges and problem-solving opportunities it presented. Test automation emerged as a complex, yet intriguing domain where precision and creativity came together. 

Aiming for mastery: The goal of becoming an industry specialist 

This newfound passion led me to redefine my professional goals. I am now mostly focused on evolving into a specialized Software Developer in Testing (SDET). My ambition is not just to acquaint myself with the basics but to gain profound knowledge and mastery over a few select, most-used frameworks in the industry. I envision myself as a specialist who can significantly contribute to enhancing the quality and reliability of software products. 

Reflections and Forward Look: Embracing Change and Growth in My Career Journey 

In this pursuit, I am committed to continuous learning and staying ahead of the latest trends and best practices in test automation. Luckily at b.ignited I get every chance to develop myself and my knowledge. My objective is to become a key asset to my clients and team members, offering expert guidance and innovative solutions. I foresee a future where my expertise in test automation not only elevates the quality of our projects but also fosters a culture of excellence and efficiency within the team.